This past weekend we traveled to Cincinatti to meet up with my old college roomy and her family at the Newport Aquarium. It was a great time; especially since Aunt Lisa was with us.
Of course Lisa takes a self-portrait of herself :)

Jace at the children's museum playing in the ball area.
It was his favorite thing there besides the water stuff,
but we ran out of film (we forgot our digital camera
of all things) before he played in the water...

Jace's first "monster" sucker after a hard day at the aquarium

The shark tank was cool!

Quinn and Jace (future husband and wife?)
Grier and I already have the arranged marriage planned. Ha!

My reflection

Group shot of the Johnsen, Trojnar & Fehrenbach family

Quinn, Melissa, Carrie & Jace

Do we have to take anymore pictures?

Totally pooped from a long day...