Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Jace's Swim Attire

Jace was attempting to hug Lexi for this picture,
but it looks more like Lexi is in a headlock

Lexi 15 months

Well, for the past 2 days Jace has been enjoying
the hot weather by playing in his pool and
water table. The only problem is that he
refuses to wear his swim trunks. So he's
been running around in the buff all day in our
backyard. Our neighbors probably think we're
wierdos. Matt did make some progress with
Jace last night, though. He was able to get
Jace to swim in his undies. Today he swam in
his undies for a little bit, but then it was back
to playing in the buff. What are we
going to do if we try to go to a water park?

Shakin' it

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The hose is "strategically" positioned..haha