Thursday, October 1, 2009


Life is full of excitement as always in the Johnsen house. Lexi took her first bite of veggies last week. As you can see by the smile on her face, she likes carrots. We also went apple picking at Huber's with the Noble family. The apples were delicious! Jace and Braden had their fill. Jace also tried on his Halloween costume last night. Can you guess what he's going to be? Mr. Giraffee, of course :-)

Lexi is auditioning for the next season of American Idol

Jace enjoyed pushing his little sister outside in his car

The Noble Family and their new addition, Ethan


The two troublemakers

Riding the tractor to the apple orchards

Bubble head

There's a giraffe in our living room!
Lexi was amazed!

I don't really know what kind of sound a giraffe
makes, but this giraffe was a roaring giraffe.

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